Another day - another state announcement.  What does it all mean for Taplands? Short answer is nothing has changed.  We remain open.

In addition to being a small brewery and taproom (aka brewpub), Taplands is a bona fide eating establishment per the County of Santa Clara.

Before we opened our patio on June 5, we read, agreed to and implemented the County rules. Our twelve outdoor tables are six feet apart from one another or have plastic barriers between them.  We enforce mask wearing. We don't have paper menus - only digital versions. We have a host/serve model so that people go directly to their table and don’t get up from it unless to leave or go to the bathroom.  Customers are not allowed inside unless walking to and from the bathroom with a mask. We clean and clean and clean and wash our hands and then follow up with anti-bacterial gel excessively. We take the team’s temperature before every shift. The list goes on.

In a nutshell, we take this shit seriously. We hope to see you soon!